Last Ride (Action Game) - Review, Downloads

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Last Ride (Action Game) - Review, Downloads

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Hey all, I've been playing a brand new game named 'Last Ride' from Kreeda Studio.

A game which allows you play a non-limited racing game. and This is 1st Game in which a Boy who is Playing that Game on his Dream. The concept is really appreciable. It was a bit hard while i started playing and now its a bit addictive.

The game is All about Ray's Dream.
There's a lot of Stones in LAST RIDE. It's a ridiculously fast paced one-finger auto-runner with gorgeous graphics that's set in a world that's collapsing all around you.

It magnificently captures the desperation of being a tiny stones of life in a giant cave that's trying to kill you.
And it's painfully addictive. The bite-sized runs stitch themselves together into hours-long play sessions as you push that little bit further to beat your high score.

Cave Avoider:

You play a tiny damaged rocket careering through a cavern that's falling to bits around you. You move up and down by sliding a finger anywhere on the screen.

The controls are sharp and remarkably precise. Swipe too far and you'll smash into a wall, ending your run instantly and Ray's Dream will over.

You can take a couple of hits from smaller rocks, and if He COLLIDES 5 TIMES with stones he gets destroyed,
It makes for a deliriously fast experience.


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The simplicity of LAST RIDE makes playing it a joy, and there's a slickness to the production that entices you in after only a handful of seconds.

This is a game that challenges you from the first second, but that never feels unfair or cheap. It's a sharp arcade experience wrapped around a brilliant cave that offers more pure play in its short bursts than many other smartphone games can muster in their entire runtime.

LAST RIDE is the sort of game that lodges itself effortlessly into your brain. It's difficult but forgiving, brief but engrossing, and showcases some of the best ideas that mobile gaming has to offer.

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